Insurance Rider

A rider is an add-on provision to a basic insurance policy that provides additional benefits to the policyholder at an additional cost. Standard policies usually leave little room for modification or customization beyond choosing deductibles and coverage amounts. Riders help policyholders create insurance products that can meet their specific needs.

Loan protection insurance

Loan protection insurance or payment protection insurance (PPI) is designed to help policyholders by providing financial support in time of need. Whether the need is due to disability or unemployment, this insurance can help protect monthly loan payments and protect the insured from default.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is insurance against the risk of incurring medical expenses among individuals. By estimating the overall risk of health care and health system expenses, among a targeted group, an insurer can develop a routine finance structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll tax, to ensure that money is available to pay for the health care benefits specified in …

Insurance Law

Insurance law is the practice of law surrounding insurance, including insurance policies and claims. It can be broadly broken into three categories – regulation of the business of insurance; regulation of the content of insurance policies, especially with regard to consumer policies; and regulation of claim handling.


Insurance is a means of protection from financial loss. It is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss. An entity which provides insurance is known as an insurer, insurance company, or insurance carrier. A person or entity who buys insurance is known as an insured or policyholder.

health insurance

health insurance   :insurance against loss through illness of the insured :insurance providing compensation for medical expenses  

life insurance

life insurance   :insurance providing for payment of a stipulated sum to a designated beneficiary upon death of the insured   

property damage insurance

property damage insurance   :insurance protecting against all or part of an individual’s legal liability for damage done (as by his or her automobile) to the property of another   


self–in*sur*ance selfin10.wav  :insurance of oneself or of one’s own interests by the setting aside of money at regular intervals to provide a fund to cover possible losses   

social insurance

social insurance   :protection of the individual against economic hazards (as unemployment, old age, or disability) in which the government participates or enforces the participation of employers and affected individuals   

term insurance

term insurance   :insurance for a specified period that provides for no payment to the insured except on losses during the period and that becomes void upon its expiration   

title insurance

title insurance   :insurance against loss due to an unknown defect in a title or interest in real estate